Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a fascinating journey inwards, it is a way of exploring consciousness. There are many mind, heart and awareness expanding experiences that come with a session. People seek out QHHT for many reasons- health struggles, clarity on their path or purpose, understanding relationship issues and even simple curiosity are all common reasons. Let me explain a little bit about the process!
When someone comes in for a session, they often bring two lists: one focused on health and body issues they are currently experiencing, and another with questions on life and personal matters. During the first hour or two, we’ll take time to get acquainted. I’ll ask you to share some of your life’s journey and then explain the QHHT process and offer ways to help you ease into a relaxed state. It’s quite easy- anyone can relax in this fashion- we actually do it all the time naturally. We’ll review your questions together, then take a short bathroom break before starting the session- because when your body relaxes so does your bladder- and this process is quite relaxing!
Once you’re ready, you lay down (you will be completely comfortable), and we’ll begin the hypnosis portion of the session. You will be guided through some visualization exercises until you are relaxed enough to drop into the theta brain wave state. It happens naturally- this is the same state you pass through when falling asleep and waking up in the morning. This is where we can have day dream like experiences, we can see past experiences or even past lives, this is all directed by ones Higher Self/Soul. If you don’t believe in past lives, that’s okay—we consider them stories or similar to dream state experiences. This part of the session is about discovering the origins of any issues. When we understand where and how something began, it’s easier to address, heal, and move forward. There’s a vast range of possibilities for what may come up, as this information lies just below our usual level of consciousness.
In the second part of the session, we invite the Higher Self (sometimes known as the subconscious, over-soul, or your inner wisdom) to communicate through your voice, providing answers to any questions and working to heal the body. This is the part of you that has always been present—your intuition, your inner knowing, your gut feelings—offering loving guidance from a higher perspective. It’s the aspect of you that’s always connected to Source, God, or whatever name you resonate with.
Healing and transformative moments often occur in this space. After the hypnosis portion is complete, we will spend a bit of time discussing the experience. We’ll discuss ways to support and maintain any healing beyond the session. QHHT isn’t a quick fix; each session provides tools and insights to empower your ongoing journey. The beauty of QHHT is that it’s not about me healing or advising you. Instead, it’s your Higher Self speaking directly to you, offering clarity and guidance. Hearing yourself answer your questions, deeply and expansively, is a powerful experience.
A digital recording of your hypnosis session will be provided to you for later reflection. One of the best ways to continue gaining insight and healing from a session is to re-listen to the recording often. For the next few weeks you may gain further insights through dreams and other type of “instant knowing” experiences- so pay attention! You may also experience further healing as your body and mind process and integrate the amazing, transformative experience you just had.
Are you ready for a fascinating experience? Contact me!