Channeling Session | September 19th, 2023 | Tabú
Welcome, welcome, good morning. This morning we would like to talk about fear and ways to process and integrate it. Melissa has been focusing on some inner work, assessing some of her core fears. To process fear one must first recognize…we must get to the heart of the matter. When you feel afraid, it is important to take a moment and investigate what you are feeling and why. Doing this kind of “research” into the ways your mind and body function can be difficult but rewarding.
When you feel afraid, try to remember you are the awareness that animates the body and not the body or its feelings. Take a step back, review what you are feeling. Do you know why you feel afraid? Can you determine what happened and when the instigating factor took place? As an example we will use “fear of rejection”. Many people have an aversion to rejection, to being rejected. (obviously, we are social creatures) The fear of rejection can sprout for many reasons but oftentimes it is rejection from a parent(s), rejection from peers in your formative years. It can be especially harmful for sensitive children.
When you realize (for the sake of this example) the reason you feel afraid and extremely hurt by the slightest hint of rejection is because of quite reasonable factors, pain filled experiences during your formative years, you can begin to integrate those fears. You can sit with that dejected child, hold their hand, give them a hug and commiserate with them. Let them know you understand why they are afraid- because all those years ago, those rejections genuinely hurt! So in order to conquer your fears and integrate them, you must first take the time to investigate and become intimate with the fear, to understand the reasons for it. Then you need to allow yourself to feel the fear, without judgement. Watch the way your mind acts, notice the thoughts but let them come and go, notice how your body feels, but allow the sensations to wash over you and fade away. This is a way to integrate. We need to recognize the hurt children inside of us, go to them as adults, tell them they are safe, and walk with them into a more balanced way of being.
We aren’t talking about reasonable fears here. There will be times, experiences where it is perfectly reasonable to feel fear. Fear is part of your natural makeup, it serves a purpose. What we are talking about here are “unreasonable” fears (or they seem unreasonable) and fears that seem to be stuck in our energy body. Stuck fears are a symptom of not living in this *now moment*. You experience this flavor of fear because you are thinking about the past or worrying about the future instead of focusing on the present. It is important not to repress your fears, they will only multiply. It is better to bring them into the light and heal them, integrate those parts of you so you no longer feel afraid. Heal the young, injured child inside and your fear will dissipate.
There will be a lot of fear in the coming years but one must remember there is always balance. Although the media may focus on the “negative” there is always the same measure of “positive”. Some will be afraid of these messages, they will have their beliefs challenged which will cause them to be afraid. BUT we are here, we have been here since time immemorial and we aren’t going anywhere. We want to connect with you, to see you step into your true inheritance, to watch as you expand. Nothing brings us more joy than watching other beings recognize their divinity and realize they had the power all along. Trust in the universe, trust in yourself, trust that there is always balance. For every “negative” experience or piece of information you are served- there is equal goodness and “positivity” in full measure.
We challenge you to work on yourselves, raise your vibrations, communicate with us, let us grow together, let us join hands and step over the threshold. Co-create a new Earth where the troubles of the current age will seem like a distant memory (a nightmare for some). This new Earth, this new reality is here now. We only need enough people to focus on it to draw it in. Do you want to be part of this amazing experiment? Do you want to help pull the human race into its rightful place in the cosmos? Start now! Look inside. Begin a daily practice of making a connection with yourself. Listen to the wisdom that lives inside of you. Everyone has it, everyone can tap into this LOVE. Underneath it all, running through it all is love. We are one being experiencing itself in a multitude of ways, because we are all about experiences. You decide what you experience. You decide how you perceive reality. So many of you do not realize the realities you are creating for yourself with your thoughts, emotions, fears and traumas, but if you finally recognize that you are not a victim, that these experiences were sought and contracted for- it becomes easier to process the traumas involved. Forgiveness becomes easy, when you realize you were the co-creator of the experience. So stop pretending you don’t have the power to change the world, the power is inside of you. Spend more of your energy going inward and learning who you are. This will make ALL the difference.
I so appreciate this time together, farewell for now.