Channeling Session | September 9th, 2023 | Tabú
Welcome, welcome, good morning! How are you today, this beautiful day? We want to talk to you today about a universal truth. For this meditation Melissa was thinking about Bashar, the first universal truth Bashar mentions was “You exist and there is nothing you can do about it.” We want you to understand why you exist. Why you are here. It is the most miraculous gift, you have given yourself. *You* are here to experience “the game”. Imagine the most complex video game you can envision, a holodeck experience so to speak, where as soon as you enter you no longer remember that it is a game. The way you incarnate works so perfectly, you remember nothing of who you are. What we are here to share with you are who and what you really are. You are source, you are light, you are everything around you. You have created all of this. On some deep level you know this to be true, you recognize your divinity. Many of your frustrations stem from the fact that deep down, underneath it all, you still remember how things should work. The only thing preventing you from using your energy purely is your own beliefs and vibrational level.
How can you raise your vibrational level? Well, there are many ways, some more complex than others. We have listed some of these previously. Let’s start with the simple ones:
- get enough rest
- eat food that nourishes your body
- make sure your body has enough movement, exercise, quite simple things
- spending time in nature
- and also just the simple intention to raise your vibration
- Your thoughts, your energy, your emotions can do amazing things if you know how to use them to manifest. We can discuss manifestation another time, we are focusing on raising vibration here.
- meditation raises your vibration
- creating art, music, poetry, dance, any type of creation raises your vibration
- following your passion, living a life that you find joy-filled
- being in a loving relationship, feeling supported in your life
These are all ways to raise your vibration.
How do you know when your vibration is raised? You will feel relaxed/calm, what you would deem more “negative” emotions would be on the lighter side. So, you would feel happy, you would feel passionate. Your imagination is quite important during these processes, your imagination is your driving force, your energies driving force. So you can even use your imagination to raise your vibration. For example, you can take a glass of water and imagine that you are running energy into it, charging the particles, and when consumed this water will raise your vibration. You can do this with food as well. You can do this with your shower or bath water, imagine it charged and when you’re bathing, or showering, imagine the water rising off the lower vibrations and exciting your cells to higher vibrations.
When you raise your vibration, there are other “positive” outcomes. We feel we should specify, when we say “positive” or “negative” we do not necessarily mean “bad” and “good”. Just that we recognize, the way you label things. So you will know your vibration is raised by the way you feel. The higher your vibration is the more resilient you will be to traumas, to new experiences that are in the more “negative” category. When you reach higher densities you are much more able to step back and review an experience, to try and understand its idiosyncrasies. We are so excited for the coming of this age, when the human beings on the planet Earth have raised their vibrational frequency, miraculous changes will happen globally. So many of you don’t know what you can do to help, how you can change the world, and the answer is so easy! Sit down with yourself, learn who you are, listen for that inner guidance, it will never steer you wrong.
Thank you so much for this time today, Farewell for now.